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Canadian Karate Associaton Legacy Book
Honoring the Contributors of our Past, Present, and Future
By Thomas Fleming

An Elite Publications Book
THE CKA LEGACY BOOK is a biographical history of the Canadian Karate Association from its inception in 1969 to 2024. The late Hanshi Fern Cleroux inspired this book as a final request to record the 50-year history of the Canadian Karate Association so that the legacy of the CKA members would always be remembered and not forgotten. The members and associates who contributed to the CKA Legacy Book submitted their biographies. These biographies are written by the black belts in their own words or by family members and friends who have contributed to the memory of those black belts who have passed on. The CKA Legacy Book is a pictorial account of the CKA executives, champions, and teams competing in the World Championships. This book also serves as a record and pays tribute to those Black Belt Hall of Fame inductees who have inspired generations of students to achieve their dreams and goals.
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