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Elite Publications

Trusted Publisher

Since 2000, authors have trusted Elite Publications to edit, publish and promote their books. We are always on the lookout for fresh and new talent and are firmly committed to all our authors.

Become certified as an expert in the book publishing industry.

Become certified as an expert in the book publishing industry. Do you have a manuscript ready and are wondering what steps to take next and how to self-publish your words? Everyone has a story, this course is designed to help you get your story out. We cover from A-Z Writing, publishing, and marketing your book. Learn how to establish continuous sales. The course will guide you from draft to a finished book and on the successful marketing of your book.

Become An Author Class
Press Release Marketing

AMAA Publicity and Press Release Templates

The goal of this course presented by the American Martial Arts Alliance for the purpose of helping martial arts school owners gain the recognition they deserve through their community service effort, personal, and business achievements.


By taking this course you will be better prepared to draw positive attention to your School/business

Publicity is the notice or attention that the media gives you. Today, the media covers multiple channels. From television to Twitter, the media can talk about you and share your story.  


Publicity, press, and public relations are somewhat synonymous. They are all approaches to getting media coverage and creating a buzz about your school or business, within your target market. They are also often overlooked by small and medium-sized schools/businesses, who feel the marketing tactic is only beneficial to big businesses.   The truth is that one of the ways that big schools/businesses become successful is because when they were smaller, they leveraged all the marketing tactics available to them including publicity.  


Public Speaking

Blog Radio & Podcast Certified Host

There IS Definitely a Technical Part of Podcasting That Nobody Really Tells You…
You’re thinking that you’re confident enough to talk or interview people in public. And so, now you’re ready to get started.

But how do you record your discussion, your interview or your report?
Then, it’s a podcast…so, do you put it on your website? How do you make it available for other people to hear?

Oh, and yes, It’s a podcast…so it goes on ITunes. Sure, but how do you get it on ITunes?

You’ve probably Googled or gone to YouTube looking for blog posts and articles on “how to get started podcasting” or “easiest ways to get started podcasting”. And about halfway into the article, you realize that it’s not so easy at all to get started with a podcast.

And then you’ve probably heard some of the people who are doing it…sharing their message. Surely, they can’t all be super technical, right?
In fact, many of them aren’t and have learned a “back door” to be able to podcast effectively, consistently…with the ease of turning on their computer.

Welcome to Speak with Confidence a self-paced course to coach anyone to improve their speaking and become a paid professional speaker.

Jessie's success as a business owner and professional speaker results from his dedication to being a top speaker. As a corporate educator for Duke Corporate Education rated the #2 custom corporate education firm in the world by Business Week Magazine.

With the opportunity to speak on a global stage, Jessie brings his coaching instruction program, Breaking Through Barrier's The Karate Experience, to Fortune 500 organizations like Swiss Re, American Express, Nike, Coca-Cola, and other well-known Fortune 500 companies.

Public Speaking
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